How To Make A Chocolate Fudge Cake | Celebrity Chef Phil Vickery
How To Make A Chocolate Fudge Cake
Everyone has their favourite pudding but not everyone knows how to make them! However, help is here in the form of Celebrity Chef Phil Vickery. Phil is here to impart some pudding wisdom and help you create 12 fantastic classics, one pudcast a month. This time please join Phil as he gives step-by-step instructions on how to make a simply scrumptious Chocolate Fudge Cake.
With one in five Brits having never attempted a home-made pudding, according to research by Carnation, it must be time to join Phil in his kitchen and get cooking!
Why not logon to where you can look through a variety of Phil’s tasty recipes and download the pudcasts.
Chocolate cake receipe Easter 2008 from You Supplement magazine of Mail on Sunday.