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Restaurant Reviews – Submit Your Review Here

My Chef is aimed at those wanting to provide the best entertaining at home, but without the time to plan

Good, Bad and Ugly Restaurants – we want to hear about them…

To send us a review our your favourite or not so favourite dining experience and restaurant please complete the form below or alternatively email us at

Please note: We do check all submissions before publishing – and this service is not an opportunity for restaurants and their representatives to SPAM our directory. Only well written, balanced and considered reviews will be considered for publication.

We do not pay a fee for submissions and please note copyright on all published submissions belongs to / Midascode Ltd.

Please use other reviews on our site as a model of the type of information we like provided. In particular include details of the cost of the meal and if service was included or not. Also include a web address if available. Dine Online is always on the look out for both regular and occasional writers for our website.



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MidasCode Ltd inc
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Afon Building
Worthing Road, Horsham,
W Sussex RH12 1TL
Tel: 01403 800005
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