Eat Britain! Flying the flag for Great British food
Eat Britain! Flying the flag for Great British food
Flying the flag for great British food!
From haggis to hotpot and teacakes to toad-in-the-hole, Eat Britain is a glorious celebration of the very best of British food and drink. Covering 101 dishes and drinks, each entry is affectionately reviewed and discussed, with beautiful colour photos and recipes to make your mouth water.
So get yourself a cup of tea and a crumpet, and be proud to Eat Britain!
We don’t care what they say – you can’t beat British food and drink in all its lovely stodgy sumptuousness.
Nothing says Sunday like a magnificent Roast with all the Trimmings; or evokes childhood seaside holidays like salt-and-vinegar-soaked Fish and Chips; or relaxes us as much as a nice cup of tea.
Published on 21st September, in time for British Food Fortnight (22nd September – 7th October), Andrew Wheeler’s lavishly illustrated, no-nonsense league table celebrates the very best of British cuisine.
From haggis to hotpot and teacakes to toad-in-the-hole, each entry is discussed, reviewed, and accompanied by a mouth-watering photo by Stephen Conroy.
The list covers breakfast, main meals, snacks and treats, puddings, sauces and seasonings, dairy, beverages, fruit and veg, meat and fish and teatime food. There’s one item in the list that transcends all categories, but you’ll have to read it to find out what it is.
All drawn from the author’s livejournal this is a personal and idiosyncratic list: perhaps controversially there is no place for such specialities as black pudding, oysters or steak and kidney pie. However, the choice will inspire debate and rumbling stomachs. With useful tried and tested recipes, and handy serving suggestions, this book is a real treat for food lovers.
About the Author
Andrew Wheeler is a journalist, writer and blogger from East Sussex. A passionate foodie and amateur cook, he has over thirty years’ experience as an eater, and likes to eat on a daily basis, often repeatedly and for extended periods. He is a proud defender of Britain’s much-maligned cuisine, and was inspired to write this book as a celebration of the best of British food.
After failing in his attempt to become an international football star, Stephen Conroy finally accepted his skills lay in taking delicious photographs of food. He has an extensive client list which includes major supermarkets, cookery books and magazines.
Eat Britain!
Andrew Wheeler
Hardback Published by The Friday Project
21st September 2007
Price: £9.99
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