Enjoy the perfect All American ‘Thanksgiving’ with California’s best loved winery, Robert Mondavi


Enjoy the perfect All American festive holiday cheer this ‘Thanksgiving’ with California’s best loved winery, Robert Mondavi. Mondavi offers fantastic, food-friendly wines, perfect to celebrate this all-American holiday. Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for celebrating and giving thanks.

So what better way to celebrate this than with these two great Mondavi wines. Robert Mondavi is one of Napa Valley’s finest entrepreneurs, not unlike another Napa Valley resident, ‘Mr Big’ from Sex and the City who is always in style.

To welcome your guests try them with a delicious Sauvignon Blanc that is fresh but rich with flavours of lime, grapefruit and melon, that goes extremely well with Pumpkin Soup for a starter and also Roast Turkey

Followed by a Cabernet Sauvignon that has velvety tannins with flavours of chocolate, plums and cherries – it is the perfect red to match to roast turkey or treacle tart and perfect for snuggling down with after that all-American feast, a real winter warmer!

Robert Mondavi winery was the first major winery built in California – now a world-famous winery it is still producing fantastic food-friendly wines that are an easy accompaniment to festive foods popular at Thanksgiving. Pop along to your nearest Tesco to buy your favourite bottle now and celebrate American style with Robert Mondavi wines this Thanksgiving.

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